
the 25 best things about me are. . .

So I've decided that I want to start a Journal. I have a butt load of journaling prompts and will post their responses here. . .so post the first:

25 best things about me. . .

  1. Ambitious-I like to set really large goals for myself, that way if I fall short, I still have something to be proud of, and more attainable.
  2. Caring- I really care about the people in my life, and how they are treated. I try to make them as happy as I can, and really want to know about them and their life.
  3. intelligent-I'm rather smart, I comprehend things and know a lot of things about random things in life. Like the fact that Luna (a.k.a. the moon) is actually a natural Sattelite, not a planet--neither is Pluto if you were wondering.
  4. creative-I am very creative. I get inspired to create from anything. It could be a purse I'd seen or a t-shirt, whatever I encounter, has me trying to make something like it or something completely different.
  5. glass half full-I see the glass as half full, I look on the bright side of things, or try to most of the time at least.
  6. literate-I am literate. I can read. =)
  7. read-I love to read. So far this summer I've read 14 books so far, totaling 4,535 pages. I have 5 other books started as well.
  8. procrastinator-Unfortunately I've mastered the art of procrastination. I'm working on fixing that, but it's a hard habit to break...hopefully it's something I take care of next year. . .
  9. passive-aggressive-I try not to engage in arguments, i like being passive, means less chance of a fist-fight. . .
  10. warm-I'm a warm hearted human being. I like giving to good people, those who deserve it.
  11. music lover-i absolutely adore music. doesn't matter the genre, I like things with a beat. I really enjoy rock music and show tunes, and want to sing all the time.
  12. art inclined-I really like art and artistry, anything that really showcases creativity. I like going to museums and art shows, like the Pageant of the Masters.
  13. over achiever-I try too many things at one time. I overload my schedule with trying to socialize and learn and help out. It's a lot of things to try to do.
  14. acting- I like acting and watching people act. I love live theater, and would love to make musical theater my profession. singing and dancing and acting is what i love...and what better way to earn a living than by doing what you love?
  15. improvisation-I'm pretty damn good at improvisation. It's a theater activity i enjoy, and on the plus side, when it's not theater related, it helps that i'm really convincing ;)
  16. makeup-I like playing with makeup. If I wasn't going to school for theater i'd be going to school to become a professional makeup artist.
  17. outspoken-I speak my mind about things. Trying to keep it all bottled up doesn't really work for me...I get to a point where I'm bursting with what I want to say. So I just say it. I'm not harsh about things, but if I think it, it's probably getting said.
  18. down to earth-I am incredibly down to earth. I don't think I am something I'm not, I realize just what I am, and am working on embracing that of myself.
  19. open-I am a very open person. Emotionally and otherwise. You won't have to guess with me, I'll let you know!
  20. good to friends-I treat my friends very well. I like helping them out and treating them wel. they're my escape from the 'rents. and as much as i love them, they're starting to drive me NUTS. wanna move out. . .(see #1)
  21. sleep a lot-ok, so I like my sleep. Today is a perfect example. I went to sleep around 3am, woke up around noon, ate lunch, and went back to sleep around 3pm, woke up again around 7:30 pm for dinner and will probably be going to sleep before 1 am.
  22. driving-I like driving. I drive a lot--to Thousand Oaks and back, all around Newport with Heather, all over Orange County for/with various friends. . .it's tons of fun!
  23. calm-ok, so sometimes I'm calm. Others, not so much, but I like my down time, just hanging around with my friends, watching a movie or tv show. . .being laid back
  24. slow burn-i'm not quick to temper. on that same note, i also don't let things go quickly all the time, so it literally is a slow burn of pent up aggression.
  25. dirt bikes-i LOVE dirt bikes and off roading. It's such a masculine sport, but then you get out there and in the spring it's so beautiful...being in nature is ton's of fun.

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commentary on life